What is anger?

Anger is just a feeling. It's neither good nor bad. Anger is only a problem when it turns into aggression. Whether that's smacking, screaming and shouting, putting someone down or giving someone the 'silent treatment'.
Anger lets us know when we need to deal with something - for example, when we are being treated unfairly. When we learn to express anger calmly, it can help us to assert ourselves from a position of strength, and to communicate what we need in ways that don't threaten other people.
The trouble is that very few of us were shown how to express anger in a healthy way when we were kids. Most of us experienced anger from the adults around us as aggression in some form. So we find ourselves repeating similar behaviour as adults, in spite of our best efforts not to. This is because these behaviours are rooted in our subconscious.
The Anger Clinic's 'Calmer Stronger' programme enables anyone to change deep-rooted stress and anger patterns and to build self-confidence, greater self-esteem and happier relationships.

My journey with anger

My name is Ronnie Turner and I help people transform their relationship with anger and stress.
Looking back, I can see that anger showed up in my close relationships and in the stresses of daily life. But I didn't think it was much of a problem until I became a parent.
When I became a mum, I found myself getting triggered regularly, flying off the handle and getting really angry over things that weren't that big a deal. So I HAD to do something about it.
Luckily, I found a life-changing anger management course. It took me all my courage to join that first session - but thank goodness I did! I quickly saw huge benefits in my life that far exceeded my expectations.
Being a coach and facilitator by profession, I knew by the end of the course that I wanted to help others transform their anger and stress too. Now I work with people from all walks of life, enabling them to overcome their stress and anger - just like I did.
I believe that with the right knowledge, tools and support - ANYONE can overcome anger and stress - for good.
What's your journey?

Are you an exploder or an imploder?
Do you find yourself erupting like a volcano at those you love like your partner or your kids? Or do you push everything down inside and end up feeling resentful?
Maybe stress is a big trigger for you? Or perhaps you resort to passive aggression - giving people the 'silent treatment'?
However we 'do' anger - it can leave us feeling awful and over time, it damages our relationships with those we love - hurting them and ourselves.
Whether your anger comes out as screaming and shouting (and even physical aggression) OR gets shoved down inside and eats away at you - the good news is... you can change it!
The work involved in The Anger Clinic's 'Calmer Stronger' programme will enable you to change your life. You will understand yourself much better and will learn how to transform your anger and stress completely through effective tools and powerful strategies that you can apply to your life each week.
As you start seeing positive changes and begin to feel in control, your self-esteem and confidence will grow - and those around you will start to notice a big difference.